9.4. Notification Text

9.4. Notification Text

Text can be set for such actions as notify by SMS or e-mail, register an event in unit history, or display popup window online.

The text of a notification can be written in any language, contain any characters, words and phrases, and be of any size. Large messages are acceptable for e-mail notifications. Of course, for SMS notifications it is better to form more compact messages.

To be more informative, a notification should contain tags which are substituted with real values in an incoming notification.

Measurement units (kilometres or miles) used to decipher tags depend on resource settings where the notification belongs. Date and time format are taken from the creator of this resource.

In the text of the notification with the Send a request action type, enter the parameters of the request. When composing the text of a notification yourself, use URL encoding. Note that when using this type of notification action together with others (such as Notify by e-mail, Notify by SMS, etc.) the text in all of the notifications is the same.

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