

    • Related Articles

    • Account Properties - Restrictions

      To work with the Restrictions tab, you should have the following access rights to the account: View detailed object properties. To see the tab. Manage account. To set the restrictions. On this tab, you can give dealer rights to the user of the ...
    • Basic Concepts

      To understand the connection between objects in the management system, see the following basic concepts: Concept Definition User A person who logs in to the system and has access to its objects in accordance with the granted rights. The user as an ...
    • Accounts and Resources

      The concepts of an account and a resource are closely related to each other, but there are significant differences between them. A resource is a macro-object of the system, which is designed for storing micro-objects (geofences, notifications, report ...
    • Creating Accounts

      In order for the user to create accounts: the Can create objects option should be enabled in the user properties; the Dealer rights option should be enabled in the properties of the user's account. As an account is a unity of a user, resource and a ...
    • Video Overview

      To access the Video tab, the Video monitoring and Commands services should be activated in the properties of the user account or billing plan. You can see only those units on the tab which have been added for billing in the management system. To work ...