Configuring Jobs

Creating Jobs

Creating Jobs

To create jobs, you should have:

  • the Jobs service enabled in the account or billing plan properties;
  • the Create, edit, delete jobs access right to the resource;
  • the Use unit in jobs, notifications, routes, retranslators access right to units;
  • access rights to the actions related to the job (for example, to send commands, manage access, and so on).
To create a new job, follow the steps below.
  1. Click New on the Jobs tab.
  2. Select the resource in which the job should be stored.
  3. Select the job type.
  4. Set the parameters which depend on the selected job type and are described in the Job types section. In the case of the Send a command to units job, this step goes after the unit selection.
  5. Select the unit or units for which you want to create the job. In the case of the Send a report by email job, you can select other system objects (users, resources, etc.) depending on the report type.
  6. Specify the job execution parameters. Click OK.

Selecting Units

The window of unit selection displays the units from the work list on the Monitoring tab. If the window doesn’t display any units, click on the button . If no units are shown after that, it means that you don’t have the required access rights to them.

Using the button /, you can switch between the lists of units and their groups. You can see what units belong to a group in the tooltip to the group icon. If a unit group is selected, the job is applied to all the units that belong to the group at the moment when the job is carried out.

To select units or groups for which you want to create a job, mark them in the list. To select all the items at once, mark any of them holding down the Ctrl key, or select the checkbox in the table header.

Job Parameters

The parameters of job execution are specified at the last stage of job creation.

The required parameters are marked with an asterisk (*).




The job name. It is displayed in the list of jobs and as a subject of the email if the job is related to sending information by email.


The job description. The text shouldn’t contain more than 10,000 characters. If a job has a description, it is displayed in the job tooltip.

Execution schedule*

The schedule according to which the job should be carried out. To specify the schedule, use one of the options:

  • Each N hours N minutes. This option allows specifying the frequency of job execution, that is, the job will be executed after the specified period of time.
  • On schedule. This option allows creating a daily schedule of job execution. Time should be specified in a 24-hour format, hours:minutes or hours. You can indicate several time values using a space as a separator. For example:

In this case, the job will be carried out at 8 a.m. and at 10 p.m. on the days selected in the Time limitation parameter, or every day if the limitation is not set.

Activation time

The date and time when the job should begin to be carried out according to the schedule. 

Max executions

The maximum number of the job executions after reaching which the job is automatically disabled. If this field is empty, the job is carried out until it is deleted or disabled manually.


The job state. If the option is activated, the job is enabled after its creation, if not, disabled.

You can enable the disabled job in the list of jobs.

Time limitation

The setting which allows specifying the time and selecting the days and/or months during which the job execution schedule should be fulfilled. For example, it may be fulfilled only on weekdays and within working hours, or only on odd days, and so on.

For example, to reset the GPRS traffic counter, you can select the first day of each month, so that the counter is reset automatically at the beginning of each month.

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