Creating a New Maintenance Schedule

Creating a New Maintenance Schedule

Create Maintenance Schedule

Click on "Create New Schedule".
  • Enter the Maintenance Schedule Name - use something descriptive that will allow you to easily remember what this schedule does.
  • The Notes field can be used to enter any additional information that you might want to have for this schedule. It can be used to remind people of what they need to do when preparing to action one of the Jobs.
  • The Time Zone is used for displaying times that relate to this schedule.

Select Assets

Select the assets that you want this Maintenance Schedule to apply to:
  • You can use the arrow buttons to move the assets to / from the Linked Assets list.
  • The double arrow buttons move all of the assets.
TIP - double click on the asset to move it to the other list

Define the Schedule

This screen allows you to set the options for how the schedule will work.

We use the following terms:
  • Action - a Job will be created in the Job list to perform the required maintenance.
  • Reminder - a Reminder is created in the Job list to remind you that the maintenance will be actioned soon, and you can prepare for that.

Secondary Unit Maintenance

Pulse GPS allows you to track run hours for a "secondary unit" on an asset if you have a digital input connected to the unit to monitor when it is running. This is like an electronic hour meter and Pulse GPS will add the duration to the Asset's Secondary Run Hours.
  • Scheduled Maintenance and Reminders (SMR) allows you to schedule maintenance based on the run hours of the secondary unit.
  • Select this checkbox only if you wish to schedule maintenance based on the Secondary Unit's run hours.
  • You can then specify the Run Hour options or the Calendar options. More on these below.

Odometer Based Schedule

This uses the Odometer value for the Asset to decide on when the next Maintenance Job must occur.

When creating an Odo schedule you have the option of using Absolute or Relative scheduling:


Absolute will schedule the maintenance based on the specified interval.

In the example below, the schedule will create a Job at 15,000km and then 30,000km, 45,000km etc. If the Asset has a Odo reading of 55,000km when the schedule is created then the next Job will be scheduled for 60,000km (as it is a multiple of the Absolute interval) and then 75,000km etc after that. This option is the most commonly used.

Relative (not using Absolute)

A Relative schedule will add the interval to the Asset's Odometer reading at the time that the maintenance is done.

If the Asset has an Odo reading of 55,000km when the schedule is created then the next Job will be scheduled for 70,000km.

The Reminder Notice Period is used to create a Reminder in the Job List so that you can prepare for the upcoming Job. For an Odo schedule this is specified in the number of km before the Maintenance Action becomes due.

Run Hours Schedule

This uses the Run Hour value for the Asset to decide on when the next Maintenance Job will occur.

You have the option of using Absolute or Relative scheduling:


Absolute will schedule the maintenance based on the specified interval. This option is the most commonly used.

Relative (not using Absolute)

A Relative schedule will add the interval to the Asset's Run Hour reading at the time that the maintenance is done.

The Reminder Notice Period is used to create a Reminder in the Job List so that you can prepare for the upcoming Job. For a Run Hour schedule this is specified in the number of Run Hours before the Maintenance Action becomes due.

Calendar Schedule

This option uses the Date to decide on when the next Maintenance Job must occur.

You have the option of using Absolute or Relative scheduling:


  • Absolute will schedule the maintenance based on the specified Day on an annual basis.
  • This option is useful for licence / registration renewals.

Relative (not using Absolute)

  • A Relative schedule will add the interval to the Date that the maintenance Job was last done.
  • You can specify the interval in Days, Months or Years.

The Reminder Notice Period is used to create a Reminder in the Job List so that you can prepare for the upcoming Job. For a Calendar schedule this is specified in the number of days before the Maintenance Action becomes due.

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