Creating Users

Creating Users

Users can be created in one of two ways:

  • automatically when creating a new account on behalf of a new user in the management system;
  • manually using the Create user button (the Users section in the management system) or the Create button (the Users tab in the monitoring system).

In order for the user to create users:

  • the Can create objects button should be enabled in the user properties;
  • the Users service should be enabled in the properties of the account in which you want to create a user.

To create a user, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Create user button in the Users section.
  2. Fill in the required fields (Name, Password, Confirm password).
  3. Select the creator of the user. After saving the user, you cannot edit this property.
  4. Select the measurement system for the user.

You can change the measurement system for the created user using conversion. Also, the user can do it individually on the General settings tab in the monitoring system
      5. If necessary, configure the Access, Advanced, and Custom fields tabs.
      6. Click OK.

To see the created user in the list, reload the page.

Actions with users

You can perform standard actions with users: copying, viewing or editing properties, deleting.

When deleting users, take the following peculiarities into account:

  • You can delete only the user on whose behalf no elements were created in the system. When you try to delete a user who is the creator of certain system objects, a warning message which lists them is displayed. Thus, to delete a user, you should first delete all objects created on behalf of this user.
  • You can delete a user and all objects created on behalf of this user in a single action. To do this, you should delete the account to which the user belongs.

In addition to standard actions, you can create and send information messages (notices) to users. 

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