Importing Intervals

Importing Intervals

Importing Intervals

For fleet units, you can import intervals from a CSV or XLSX file. This option is available for the users that have the right to manage intervals. You can't import intervals for drivers and trailers. 

To import intervals, follow the steps below:
  1. Click on the button  at the top of the Intervals page.
  2. Select the file from which you want to import the data (CSV or XLSX). The file should have atleast two columns.
  3. Select the date format. For a CSV file, also specify the field delimiter used in it. 

  4. In the table with the import results, indicate the names of the necessary columns. To do this, select the name of each column in the drop-down list above it. The Interval column and at least one column from the Interval type clock are required. To cancel the selection, click on the icon .

  5. Select the the first line option if you want to import the file contents without the first line. 
  6. Edit the data in the table, if needed. The cells with invalid data are highlighted in red. The intervals with such cells cannot be imported. To edit the data, click on the cell and type a new text into it. To save the text, click outside the cell. 
  7. Click Save. In the window that opens next, you can see the results of the import. Click OK to return to the Intervals page or to import results. You can leave the page with the import results by clicking on the icon .
When editing the data, consider the following:
  1. The cells of the required columns should be filled in. 
  2. The name of the interval you want to import should not be the same as that of the existing one. The maximum allowed length is 128 characters.
  3. In the Service object column, you can specify the names of only those units that are in the fleet (case sensitive). If several units of the fleet have the same name, all of them are assigned to the imported interval. The column shouldn't contain driver or trailer names because the import of intervals is not available for them. 
  4. The description should not exceed 512 characters.
  5. You should specify the frequency of the intervals, that is, fill in at least on of the By mileage, By engine hours, or By time columns. You can specify only one By time value for an interval (days, weeks, months or years).
  6. In the By mileage and By engine hours columns, you can indicate the values only in integer numbers. The value cannot be 0. 
  7. In the By time columns, you can indicate the values only in integer numbers. The maximum allowed value is 999.
  8. To import the values of the Last service (mileage) and Last service (engine hours) columns, you should indicate the service object and the interval frequency by mileage or by engine hours respectively. The values of mileage and engine hours at the moment of the last service can be indicated only in integer numbers (the value can be 0). If you do not specify them, the values of mileage and engine hours at the moment of import are assigned to these parameters.
  9. To import the value of the Last service (time) column, you should indicate the service object and the interval frequency by time. The date of the last service should not be later than the current one. If you do not specify it, the value of the date at the moment of import is assigned to it. 
If several intervals have the same name, description and frequency they are imported as one interval and all the service objects specified for them are assigned to it. 

For imported intervals, the Advance notice field is automatically filled in with a value which amounts to 10% pf frequency. For example, if you import an interval with a frequency of  10,000 km by mileage, the value of this field will be 1000 km. Considering this value, the upcoming services are created. 

After the intervals are imported, overdue services can appear on the Services page. It happens if the difference between the current date, value of mileage or engine hours and the value indicated in the Last service column exceeds the value of the interval frequency. 

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