

Widget Settings

In this section of settings, you can change the size and order of widgets, hide them or configure additional settings for them. 


To change the order of widgets or hide them, tap the    icon. Drag the widgets by holding them by the icon   or hide them using the switch. To save the changes, tap the icon  .

To go to the settings of a certain widget, tap the line with it. Here you can hide the widget using the switch or change its size by selecting the required option in the Select widget size block. 


Widget Functions

This section contains widgets with functions available to the user. 

 Send SOS: allows sending an alarm message to the Trackd server when you tap the widget. 
 Status: allows changing the status and sending it to the Trackd server. To do this, tap the widget and select the required status.
 Chat: allows sending a text message to the Trackd server. In addition, you can send photos, QR codes, alarm messages, and coordinates.
  1. To send a text message, tap the widget, enter the message text and tap the icon  . To send a different type of message, tap the icon    and select the required action.
 Send Image: allows sending an image to the Trackd server. To do this, follow the steps below:
  1. Open the file manager by tapping the widget or the Select from gallery button and choose the required image. If the larger widget size is is selected, you can choose the image right in the widget. In this case, swipe left to see all images. 
  2. If necessary, add a caption.
  3. Tap Send or the icon .
 Scan QR Code: designed for scanning QR codes or barcodes and sending them to the monitoring system. Tap the widget and scan a code to send it to the server. 
 Send Photo: allows sending a photo to the Trackd server. To do this, tap the widget, make a photo and tap the icon   . 
 BLE Beacon: the widget displays the connection state of the BLE beacon paired with the unit. If the indicator is green, the beacon is connected and is within the coverage area; if red, the 
         beacon is outside the coverage area. If their is no paired beacon, the indicator is grey.
 NFC: this is available for devices equipped with and NFC module and allowes reading NFC tags and sending them to the Trackd server. 
 Send Position: allows sending the coordinates of the unit to the Trackd server when you tap the widget.

When you send data to the monitoring system, the location of the unit (if it was possible to determine it) and the time of the message are also sent.

If necessary, you can hide widgets, change their size and order in the settings. 

The functions described above are also available as icons

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