


The Dashboard page is available only to users for whom a fleet is activated, and contains the summary of its contents.

The information presented on this page allows to assess the overall situation in the fleet, draw attention to an overdue service, estimate the ratio of active units, trailers, and drivers to those in service, count the total cost of expenses, etc.

The information on this page is presented in blocks. Click on the Services, Intervals blocks and blocks of service objects (Units, Trailers, Drivers) to open the corresponding pages. If the access rights to services are absent, the Services block is not displayed.

The following information blocks are presented on the Dashboard page:
  1. Services - this section contains a pie chart which shows the ratio of due and overdue services and the ones in progress. In the centre of the chart you can see the total number of these services.
    1. Due - the number of scheduled services with the Due status.
    2. Overdue - the number of scheduled services, the status of which was not changed to In progress or Closed in time.
    3. In progress - the number of services with the In progress status, that is, the ongoing services.
  1. Intervals - this section shows the total number of intervals created for the fleet.
  1. Cost - this section contains information about the fleet expenses
    1. Total - the total cost of services and fuel of all the fleet service objects.
    2. Sevices - the total cost of services of all the fleet units, drivers and trailers. 
    3. Fuel - the total cost of fuel indicated in the fuel fillings of all the fleet units. 
  1. Units - here you can see the number of active units and those which are undergoing maintenance
    1. Active - the number of fleet units that are not currently serviced.
    2. In service - the number of units that are undergoing maintenance.
  1. Trailers - here you can see the number of active trailers and those which are undergoing maintenance
    1. Active - the number of fleet trailers that are not currently services.
    2. In service - the number of fleet trailers that are undergoing maintenance.
  1. Drivers - here you can see the number of active drivers and those who are involved in services
    1. Active - the number of fleet drivers not involved in the services that are in progress.
    2. In service - the number of fleet drivers involved in the services that are in progress.
  1. Total cost of services - this section contains a chart with information about the services expenses of the fleet for the selected period. Apart from the total cost of services, you can see their average cost per kilometer and engine hours. Use the buttons in the upper right corner of the chart to add data on units, trailers and drivers. Enabling or disabling the buttons changes not only data on the chart but also recalculates the total cost of services. 
  1. Fleet metrics - here you can see a chart with information about the mileage or engine hours of all the fleet for the selected period. After deleting a unit from the fleet, the data on its mileage and engine hours remains in the chart as historical. 
  1. Total cost of fuel - this section contains a chart with information about the fuel expenses of the fleet for the selected period. Apart from the total cost of fuel, you cna see its average cost per litre. 
  1. Working with calendar - the time interval for which the data in the charts should be displayed is selected in the calendar in the upper-right corner of the page. Depending on the position of the switch in the calendar, you can build charts by days or months. By default the chart type By months is selected. 

To indicate the interval manually, type its start and end dates in the fields below or select them in the calendar. You can move a month or a year backwards and forwards using the / and respectively. To receive the information for one day (for a chart by days) or month (for a chart by months), double click it in the calendar. 
You can also select a preset interval: 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. After reloading the page, the 3 months interval is indicated in the calendar by default. 

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