Data in Reports

Data in Reports

Data in Reports

The time of completion/start/end of any state is displayed in the reports in the format specified in the General section of a report template.

In the tables that include the duration of a state, the hours may not be combined into days (if the interval is longer than 24 hours). It means that instead of 5 days 12:34:56 it is displayed as 132:34:56. To disable days and leave only hours, select the hours:minutes:seconds duration format in the table properties of the report template. This option does not only affect the formatting in the cells, but also the row Total. Moreover, the duration may be shown in the format of hours (with two decimal places). For instance, 3.45 instead of 3:27. This is done by means of activating the hours (with two decimal places) option.

If grouping is used, a table receives additional column (Grouping) which displays the time in the following way:

  • grouping by years shows corresponding years (for example, 2015);
  • grouping by months shows the names of the months (for example, August);
  • grouping by weeks shows the number of the week in a year (for example, week 10; note that the first week is considered to be the first full week in a year.)
  • grouping by day of the week shows the corresponding day (for example, Friday);
  • grouping by day of the month shows the corresponding day (from day 1 to day 31);
  • grouping by dates shows the corresponding date in the format selected in the advanced settings of the report template;
  • grouping by shifts shows the corresponding shift (for example, shift 1).
Unit Location

The information about the unit location is displayed in the following table columns: Initial locationFinal locationInitial coordinatesFinal coordinatesLocation. If there is no data about the unit location at the moment of a certain event or at the beginning or end of a certain state, the report displays the last known location within the indicated interval.

For trips in private mode, if the Do not show unit location option is activated for the sensor, a dash is displayed in all the columns connected with the location.


Mileage can appear in reports on trips, geofences, trips between geofences, speedings, digital sensors, etc., as well as in statistics and processed fuel level chart.

Mileage is calculated according to settings of mileage counter on the General tab of the unit properties. Besides, mileage can also depend on the trip detector because the intervals of movement and parkings are detected by it.

Mileage can be ordinary or adjusted. The adjusted mileage may be useful to coordinate the mileage detected by the program and mileage detected by the vehicle itself. The correction coefficient is set in the unit properties on the Advanced tab.

In the statistics and in various tables, you can find many possibilities for mileage described below.

Mileage in all messagesThe full mileage without any filtration by the trip detector. It is always the longest mileage because it also includes all adjustment of data.
Mileage in tripsThe total mileage of all movement intervals found according to the trip detector.
Mileage (adjusted)The mileage in trips multiplied by the correction coefficient.
Mileage in engine hoursThe mileage in the intervals of engine hours.
Urban mileageThe distance travelled at the speed which is considered as the speed in populated areas.
Suburban mileageThe distance travelled at the speed which is considered as the speed outside populated areas. Urban speed limit is a setting in the unit properties which defines if the unit is moving in the urban area or outside of it.
Initial mileageThe mileage sensor value at the beginning of the interval (trip, street visit, sensor operation, etc.).
Final mileageThe mileage sensor value at the end of the interval.
Mileage counterThe absolute mileage (the mileage counter value at the moment of the report generation).

In many tabular reports, mileage can be displayed. It can be calculated either by all messages or by messages in trips. Choice of the method of calculation is defined by the Mileage from trips only option in the General section of the Report template dialog.

If less than 20 (miles or kilometers), the mileage is displayed with accuracy to hundredths (other decimal places are simply cut). Measurement units for speed and mileage (kilometers and kilometers per hour or miles and miles per hour) are selected in the additional settings of the Report template dialog. There you can also set the Mileage/fuel/counters with accuracy to two decimal places option to always see the mileage with the hundredths.

The average and maximum speed values can be included in the same reports as the mileage: trips, geofences, trips between geofences, speedings, digital sensors. Note that the average speed directly depends on the mileage because it is calculated by dividing mileage by duration (for example, distance travelled with a sensor on divided by the duration of an on the state. That is why a situation can happen when the average speed is zero and the maximum speed is a positive number. It can happen (1) if the duration of a state is zero (see explanation above); (2) if the mileage is zero (the unit was parked or the mileage counter is set incorrectly); (3) if the mileage is insignificant, for example, 0,01, and the result of the division is smaller than 1. Note that mileage can be calculated either by all messages or by trips only (the option in the settings of a report), and this obviously affects the resulting values of the average speed.

The Maximum speed has nothing to do with the mileage and any counters. To calculate the maximum speed within an interval, all messages which get to this interval are analyzed and the largest speed value is selected and displayed in the corresponding cell.

The speed is given only in integer numbers.

When the intervals of speeding are displayed in the reports, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of determining them in the tables Speeding and Eco driving. Into the tabular report Speeding fall the intervals the speed on which was higher than the one received as a result of summing up the values of the speed limit and the tolerance on speed limit indicated on the Advanced tab of the unit properties. Into the table Eco driving fall the intervals the speed on which was equal or higher than the one indicated in the option Min. value for the Speeding criterion on the Eco driving tab of the unit properties.

Many reports can provide information about the fuel: fuel level (initial/final), the volume of filled/stolen/registered/consumed fuel, average consumption, etc.

In most cases to receive the information about the fuel, you need the unit to have corresponding sensors installed. They should be configured on the Sensors tab of the unit properties.

The following abbreviations are used:

  • FLS — fuel level sensor;
  • ImpFCS — impulse fuel consumption sensor;
  • AbsFCS — absolute fuel consumption sensor;
  • InsFCS — instant fuel consumption sensor.

Without special fuel sensors, you can control the fuel in the following ways:

  • register fillings manually in the Monitoring panel;
  • use the calculation of the fuel consumption by rates;
  • use the mathematical calculation of the fuel consumption that is based on the consumption rates from the ignition, relative or absolute engine hours sensors multiplied by the values of the engine efficiency sensors (if any). The latter can be used for taking into account the load, the movement in urban and suburban cycles and the work during different seasons.
Consumption Math
During the mathematical calculation, fuel consumption is computed separately for each pair of messages.

The following algorithm is used:

  1. The status of each engine sensor (engine ignition, absolute and relative engine hours sensors) in the current message is determined.
  2. For the operating sensors, the values indicated in the Consumed, l/h field of their properties are summed.
  3. The values of the engine efficiency sensors are calculated.
  4. The received values are summed according to the formula k1 + (k2 - 1) + (k3 - 1) + … + (kn – 1). In that way, the coefficient is formed. If the sum of the coefficients is less than 0 or invalid, the total coefficient is 1.
  5. To determine the current fuel consumption of the unit, the value from point 2 is multiplied by the value of point 4.
  6. The value from the previous message till the current one is multiplied by the value from point 5.
  7. The consumption for each message pair for the indicated interval is summed and in that way, the fuel consumption is determined by the consumption math.

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