

This tab is designed for working with video files saved manually or automatically. The video quality of the files depends on the device quality settings.

Particularities of storing video files:

  • The limit on the size of the saved files of a unit is 5 GB. If it is reached, the older files are automatically deleted as soon as the new ones are saved. The files marked as important are not deleted in this case.
  • The files older than the history period are automatically deleted.
  • If a unit is deleted, deactivated, or video billing is disabled for it, its files are stored for another 30 days after that, and then deleted.

Unit list

The work area contains a list of units for which cameras are configured. If the device type does not support the function of saving files, the unit is not available for selection and the icon  is displayed next to its name.

Above the list, you can see a dynamic filter to quickly find units by name, as well as the following features:



Sort list items by name in forward or reverse alphabetical order.


Switch between the lists of units and their groups. To expand a group and see the units belonging to it, use the icon ; to collapse the group, use .

Click on the unit name to see a list of its files.

File list

The list contains all the saved files of the unit. If a file has been saved by means of a notification, its name is the same as that of the notification. If files have been saved manually, they are named Saved manually. If sent by the device automatically, they are named Detected by device or have a name generated by the device automatically. The files are sorted by date and time of the event (displayed below the file name). The file size is specified opposite each file. 

Above the list, there are two bars: Storage and Important. The first shows information about the total size of all the saved files, and the second, of those marked as important.

Above the file list, there is also a dynamic filter and the following icons:



Proceed to the bulk deletion of files.

Select the filtering criterion. 

Open the unit properties to configure its cameras.

Go back to the unit list.

You can filter files by the following criteria:




Allows you to filter files by event date. Click on the criterion and select the required date in the calendar. You can also specify a time period within the selected date there.

Notification type

Allows you to filter files by the type of the notification by means of which they have been saved, or by the tag selected when saving them manually. Click on the criterion and select the required notification type (tag). You can see only those notification types to which at least one of the saved files corresponds. The number of files corresponding to the notification type is shown in brackets next to it.

Notification name

Allows you to filter files by the name of the notification by means of which they have been saved. Click on the criterion and select the required notification name. You can see the names of only those notifications to which at least one of the saved files corresponds. The number of files corresponding to the notification name is shown in brackets next to it.

Saved manually

If you select this criterion, only the files saved manually are shown in the list.

Detected by deviceIf you select this criterion, the list displays only the files sent by the device automatically after a certain event.
You can combine the filtering criteria. For example, you can filter files by date and notification type at the same time. However, you cannot select several dates, notification types and names. To cancel the selection of a criterion, click on the cross icon.

You can mark the necessary files as important. To do this, click on the star icon opposite the file name. The total size of important files cannot exceed 1 GB. If a file is grouped with an important one, all the grouped file is considered as such.

Watching files

To watch a video file, click on its name. The video is displayed in the right part of the window. When watching it, the following functions are available:



Play video.

Pause video.

Switch to full screen. You can open all files at once, or each one separately. To do this, click on this icon in the lower-right corner of the tab or file section, respectively. The icon is shown in the section when you point to it.

Exit the full-screen mode. You can use the Esc key instead.


Switch the sound on or off. The icon is displayed when you point to a section of an individual file. You can play the sound from only one file at a time. If a file is open in full screen mode, you can play the audio of only this file.

If the icon   is displayed after you start playing the file, its sound is unavailable.

Show/Hide a section with a map which shows the unit moving along its track at the time the video was recorded. Hover over the unit icon or a track point to see the information from the message received at that location.

Delete the file.

You can also download the video file by clicking on its window with the right mouse button and selecting Save video as...

In case of grouped files, video excerpts from different cameras of the unit are played simultaneously. The files saved manually are grouped if they have the same date and time of the event, regardless of its type. The files saved automatically are grouped if they were saved when the same notification was triggered and their date, time, and event type match. To hide a video excerpt, click on the icon  and clear the selection of its camera. Select the camera to play the video excerpt simultaneously with the others.

If the internet connection is slow or unstable, video excerpts may not be played simultaneously. 

Deleting files in bulk

To delete several files at once, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the unit the files of which you want to delete.
  2. Click on the icon .
  3. Select the files you want to delete or check the box above their list to select all at once.
  4. Click on the icon .
A record of deleting the files is shown in the log.
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