First Time Login

First Time Login

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    • Login

      Login On the login page: Enter username and password (your username will be your email address) Select the interface language Select Enter The characters used in these fields are case sensitive. Getting a New Password If you have already registered ...
    • 4.1 Login

      From the Trackd website or apps: • Enter username and password (your username will be your email address) • Select the interface language • Select Enter   After the first login into the system, the Data Protection Agreement is shown. To proceed, ...
    • Authorization/Login

      To login to the application, use one of the available authorization method: with the unique ID of the unit with the username with the QR code Authorization with the unique ID of the unit To authorize with the unique ID of the unit, follow the steps ...
    • Data in Reports

      Data in Reports Time The time of completion/start/end of any state is displayed in the reports in the format specified in the General section of a report template. In the tables that include the duration of a state, the hours may not be combined into ...
    • 3.2. Website Address

      Visit the website to log in: The website works very well on a mobile device – the site scales for small screens.