FT Vision Interface

FT Vision Interface

  1. Menu Bar
    1. Top bar located across the top of the screen where you can view and editing personal settings.
  2. Live View
    1. Located in the menu on the left of the screen where you can monitor Live Video tracking of units.
  3. Cellular
    1. Located in the menu on the left of the screen where you can view and analyze data consumption for all units.
  4. Evidence
    1. Located in the menu on the left of the screen where you can view and download Alarms triggered by units
  5. Search Bar
    1. Located in the top right corner of the menu bar where you can search for units.
  6. Download Centre
    1. Located in the top right corner of the menu bar where you can view downloaded video footage for device.
  7. Message Notification
    1. Located in the top right corner of the menu bar where you can view notifications.
  8. Personal Info
    1. Located in the top right corner of the menu bar where you can view account information.
  9. Real-Time Alarm
    1. Located on the right of the screen where you can view recently captured video alarms.

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