Scheduled Maintenance Overview

Scheduled Maintenance Overview


Scheduled Maintenance and Reminders (SMR) allows you to create "Maintenance Schedules" for your assets.

Some useful terms:
  • Maintenance Schedule - this defines the schedule, the list of Assets and the various options relating to how they are to be scheduled.
  • Job - a Job is created when an Asset becomes due for the work to be done as defined in the Maintenance Schedule.
  • Reminder - this is created in the Job List as a Reminder ahead of the Job being created, so that you can get ready / book / plan for the upcoming Job.

Maintenance Schedules

This is the main screen that allows you to view, edit and create Maintenance Schedules.
  1. To view the details and assets linked to a Maintenance Schedule select it from the drop-down.
  2. The details of the selected Maintenance Schedule will be displayed.
  3. Assets that are linked to the Maintenance Schedule are listed showing their latest values and when they are next due for a Job to be created for them based on the schedule.

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