Keyboard and Mouse Control Shortcuts

Keyboard and Mouse Control Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

·         Activate in User Settings by selecting the checkbox next to Use keyboard shortcuts and clicking OK.

·         List of Shortcuts in Monitoring System:

o   Navigating between tabs

 Monitoring – M

 Tracks – T

 Messages – E

 Reports – R

 Geofences – G

 Routes – O

 Drivers – D

 Trailers – I

 Jobs – J

 Notifications – N

 Users – U

 Units – Y

o   Opening tools

 Track Player – 1

 Distance – 2

 Area – 3

 Address – 4

 Routing – 5

 Track Analysis – 6

 Nearest Units – 7

 LSB Detector – 8

 SMS – 9

o   Other Actions

 Open/Close the Apps menu – A

 Use the Search on the map – F

 Open the User settings – S

 Hide/Show the Work area - ~

 Hide/Show the log - L

Mouse Control Shortcuts

When entering intervals in Reports or Messages tab click on the date, month, year or time and use your mouse to scroll up and down to adjust.

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