Line Items Library

Line Items Library

Line Items Library

Line items library is the register with the information about the costs of vehicle maintenance. There are two tabs available: Parts and labour and Fuel.  When adding Parts and labour you can later use them while creating intervals and services. You can add fuel types to use them when creating fuel fillings. 

Parts and labour
The parts and labour tab displays a table which has the following columns:
  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Cost
  4. Editing and deleting

The table can be sorted by the name of the registered items (in direct or reverse alphabetical order) and by cost (in ascending or descending order) using the arrow icons in the name of the columns. Filtering by the type of line item is also available. Possible options: Any, Part, Labour. The dynamic filer above the table helps quickly find the required item.

To export the table to a CSV file, click on the button  located to the right of the dynamic filter.

Adding line items
To add a line item, click the Add button in the upper right corner.

In the row that appears, fill in the required information and click Save. The new item is first displayed at the bottom of the list, but once you refresh the page, it takes its place according to the sorting. If the type of a new line item does not coincide with the one selected in the filter, it is not shown in the list until the suitable type is selected.

Line items created at the time of interval or service creation are added to the library automatically.

To edit or delete a line item, point to its row and click on the edit or delete icon at the end of it. 

The fuel tab contains a table with the following columns
  1. Fuel tyoe
  2. Cost per 1L
  3. Editing and deleting

Adding and sorting line items is similar to the actions on the Parts and labour tab. If you have not created any fuel types, click on the Add presets button to display the line items suggested by the system in the table. You can edit or delete them if necessary.

Importing Line Items
To import line items, follow the steps below
  1. Click on the button  at the top of the page
  2. Select a CSV or XLSX fole from which you want to import the data. The file should have atleast two columns
  3. For a CSV file, specify the field delimiter used in it. Click OK to load the file

  4.  In the table with the import results, indicate the names of the columns. To do this select the name of the column in the drop down list above it. The required columns are marked with an asterisk (*). To cancel the selection, click on the icon .
  5. Select the Exclude the first line option if you want to import the file contents without the first line. 
  6. Edit the data in the table if needed. The cells with invalid data are highlighted in red. The line items with such cells cannot be imported. To edit the data, click on the cell and type a new text into it. To save the text, click outside the cell. 
  7. Click Save.

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