List of Services

List of Services

Below is the full list of services available in the Trackd system.

If you have added an application in CMS Manager using the Apps configuration item, the list displays a service named in the format Apps: Application name. For example, Apps: Fleetrun. After disabling such a service, the application is removed from the monitoring system menu, but the application itself remains available.
Access to mapActivates access to the maps added on the Map management section. For example, "Access to map: Trimble".

Activated units

Allows charging off only the cost of activated units from the account balance.

Admin fields

Allows creating admin fields on the Custom fields tab of the unit, user, or unit group properties, determines the allowed quantity (in total) and cost of such fields.

Advanced reports

Allows running advanced reports, that is, reports on users, drivers, trailers, passengers, and geofences as well as groups of units, drivers, trailers, passengers, and geofences (except for the Log table for users and unit groups). Advanced reports are included in the Reports module.

App for iOS and Android

Activates access to the application for Android and iOS.


Activates the Commands tab in the unit properties, determines the allowed quantity (for all units in total) and cost of commands.

Create resources

Activates the buttons for creating resources and accounts in CMS Manager.

Create unit groups

Activates the button for creating unit groups in the monitoring system and CMS Manager.

Create units

Activates the button for creating units in the monitoring system and CMS Manager.

Create users

Activates the button for creating users in the monitoring system and CMS Manager.

Custom fields

Activates the Custom fields tab in the unit, user or unit group properties, determines the allowed quantity (in total) and cost of such fields. Allows creating general (not admin) fields. This service doesn't affect drivers and trailers.


Activates the Dashboard tab.


Activates the Drivers module, determines the allowed quantity and cost of drivers. If this service is disabled, the Drivers tab and any mention of drivers in notifications, user settings, and the SMS window become unavailable.

Eco drivingActivates access to the Eco driving application, the same-name tab in the unit properties and table in reports.

Еmail notifications

Allows sending notifications by email. The service limit depends on the number of purchased licences. We recommend sending no more than 10 notifications per hour so as not to overload the server.

Еmail reports

Allows sending reports by email. The service limit depends on the number of purchased licences. We recommend sending no more than 10 reports per hour so as not to overload the server.


Activates access to the Fleetrun application.


Activates the Geofences tab, determines the allowed quantity and cost of geofences. If this service is disabled, the Geofences tab and any mention of geofences in reports and user settings become unavailable.

Google (standard)

Allows managing the access of subordinate accounts to Google maps, geocoding and routing. To activate this service, you should speak with a Fleetware representative.

GPRS traffic

Allows controlling GPRS traffic counter in the unit properties, jobs, notifications, and reports.

Groups of drivers

Determines the allowed quantity and cost of driver groups. Driver groups are included in the Drivers module.

Groups of geofences

Determines the allowed quantity and cost of geofence groups. Geofence groups are included in the Geofences module.

Groups of trailers

Determines the allowed quantity and cost of trailer groups. Trailer groups are included in the Trailers module.


Enables the import and export feature in the user menu, the Create from WLP button on the Units tab, and the Export to file button in the unit properties.


Activates the Jobs tab, determines the allowed quantity and cost of jobs.


Activates the Locator option in the user menu.


Activates the Messages tab in the monitoring system.


Allows activating the MGRS grid for WebGIS Maps.

Mobile notifications

Activates the same-name tab in the Session management window (available from the user menu) and the Send mobile notification action.

Notices to users

Allows receiving notices from the service administrator and determines their quantity. This service doesn’t influence attention messages about blocking your account and running out of traffic for the Video module.


Activates the Notifications tab and determines the allowed quantity and cost of notifications.


Activates the Profile tab in the unit properties and the same-name table in the reports.


Activates the Reports tab, determines the allowed quantity and cost of report templates, allows using trip detection. If this service is disabled, the Send report by email job and the notifications with the same action become unavailable.


Activates the Accounts section in CMS Manager, determines the allowed quantity and cost of resources and accounts.


Activates access to Apps.


Activates the Sensors tab and determines the allowed quantity (for all units in total) and cost of sensors.

Site access

Activates access to different sites


Activates the Trailers tab and determines the allowed quantity and cost of trailers.


Activates access to tools.

Unit deactivation

Allows seeing information about deactivated units. Allows top users and users with dealer rights to deactivate units.

Unit groups

Determines the allowed quantity and cost of unit groups.


Determines the allowed quantity and cost of units.


Activates the Users tab, determines the allowed quantity and cost of users. If this service is disabled, the types of jobs and notifications related to users become unavailable.

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