


The map is available regardless of which panel is activated. Usually, it takes up most of the screen. Units and their traces, geofences and other elements can be displayed on the map.

Map size can be adjusted in relation to the work area and the log. To do this, drag up/down or left/right the map scale slider, which is located between the corresponding parts of the interface.


Search on the Map

In the top left corner of the map, there is the Search on map icon . This tool is used for the dynamic search of such system objects as units, geofences, unit groups, drivers, trailers, passengers, routes. Also, if the names of the above-mentioned objects do not contain the entered characters, then a list of addresses that match the specified filter is displayed (the search is performed in accordance with the selected geodata source).

Search Process
Click on the Search on Map button and set the search filter (enter the characters from the name of the object you are looking for). For a unit, you can enter its unique ID, registration plate, or VIN number indicated on the Profile tab of the unit properties dialog. As you enter the characters, you can see the list of the items that match your request. The search list displays the names of the objects and the icons that indicate their type. If the filter matches multiple objects, the list contains one result for each type of object.

Switching to the Object on the Map
Click on the required item in the search list to see it on the map. You can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through the list of items and press Enter to select the required one. The map is automatically centered on the selected item. After the selection, the search tool collapses.

Visible Layers

To add and remove visible layers on the map, use the button  in the top left corner of the map. Layers menu can be divided into two sections: layers of tabs (at the top) and layers of units (at the bottom).

The graphic layers of the following panels can be displayed:
  1. Monitoring
  2. Tracks
  3. Messages
  4. Reports
  5. Geofences
  6. Routes
  7. Drivers
  8. Trailers
  9. Passengers

Map Source

To change the map source, click on the button  in the top left corner of the map. The Map selection menu is conditionally divided into two sections. The upper section contains base map layers (i.e. map sources). The bottom one contains additional layers which overlay the base ones (i.e traffic). Select another map from the list and the map area already displayed on your screen will be loaded. It is applicable to both the main map and the minimap. 


Map Navigation

To navigate through the map, left click anywhere and drag the map in the desired direction. 


The menu of tools for working with the map is located in the left part of the map.

Zooming the Map

To scale the map, you can also use several methods:
  1. Using the scale on the map - in the upper left corner of the map, under the navigation buttons, there is a scale bar that allows you to zoom in  or zoom out 
  2. Using the mouse scroll wheel - scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom out. Direct the curser to the required place, to avoid being lost from view when the scale is changed
  3. Using the mouse and the Shift key - to zoom in on the area you selected, hold the Shift key and click on any rectangle on the map.
  4. Using the double-click - double-click any point on the map to zoom in on it. 
In the lower left corner of the map the current scale of the map is indicated. In the lower right corner, you can view the geographical coordinates of the place the curser points at. 

Using the map while working with different tabs

The map is common for all tabs. It means that while switching between the tabs, zoom, and coordinates of the map center remain the same. Graphic elements such as track lines, markers, geofences, icons of units remain in their places. Therefore, for example, if you made a report showing parking locations on the map and then switched to the Tracks tab to create tracks for the unit's movement (even if this is a completely different unit), all the graphical elements, lines, markers, etc. still will be shown on the map until you delete them or switch them off.

Such tabs as MonitoringTracksMessagesReportsGeofencesRoutesDriversTrailers and Passengers can have their layers on the map. Graphic elements applied to a map when working on a particular tab can be easily switched on and off. Displaying or hiding the graphic information on the map is adjusted for each layer individually in the layers menu, which can be opened by clicking on the Eye icon in the upper left corner of the map.

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