

The Monitoring tab shows the worklist of units and groups and the latest data about them. Tap he unit name to view extended information: Info and History. Here you can also see the unit movement on the map and search units or groups by name. 

The worklist shows the units that are being monitored. Two view modes are available: Units and Groups. In the Groups mode, you can see the group names and the number of units included in it. Touch the line with the name of the group to see the list of units. 

When you log into the application for the first time, the worklist of units is the same as the list on the Monitoring tab of the Trackd web version.

The following information can be displayed for each unit:
  1. name
  2. speed if the unit is moving or parking sign () near the unit ion 
  3. ignition state is there is a sensor (/)
  4. last state information (: start time, : duration, : current mileage for trips)
  5. address or name of the geofence where the unit is located (if the Geofences as addresses option is enabled)
  6. the time of the last message

The time of the last message is coloured differently depending on when the message was received:
 : last message with coordinates that was received within 5 minutes
 : last message with coordinates that was received within an hour
 : last message with coordinates that was received within 24 hours
 : last message with coordinates that was received more than a day ago

After a long tap on the unit, an additional menu with the following options opens:
  1. Send command: sending commands created in the Trackd we version
  2. Share location: sending link to monitor a unit on a locator map over a selected period
  3. Navigation apps: planning a route using third-party navigation applications installed on mobile device
  4. Copy coordinates: copying the coordinates of the unit to the clipboard
  5. Execute report: going to the Reports tab with the Unit or Group field already filled in
In the Groups mode, this menu contains only the Share location and Send command options. Tap the icon  to open the menu.

You can send the command only to those units that have it configured in the unit properties. To see the list of the units that do not support the command, tap the icon .

The access rights required to work with commands: View commands and Execute commands

Adding Units to the Worklist

To edit the list, follow the steps below:
  1. Tap the icon  located to the right of the search.
  2. Select the required units or units groups. To synchronize the worklist of the application with the one on the Monitoring tab of the Trackd web version, activate the Units from web version option. Manual editing of the list becomes impossible.
  3. Save or cancel the changes.

Extended Unit Information 

To view extended information about a unit, tap the line with it in the list. 

The information is shown on two tabs:
  1. Info
  2. History
The contents of the tabs can be divided in four blocks:
  1. map
  2. latest data about the unit
  3. general information about the unit (the Info tab)
  4. data on trips, parkings, fuel fillings, and thefts (the History tab)
You can hide the map or the general information/data block. To do this, drag the latest data block up or down respectively. You can also use the arrows on the right side of the latest data block. 

In the upper right corner of the screen, there is the icon . Tap it to open the additional menu with the options.


The info tab shows the information about the unit and its position on the map (taken from the last message).

In the General information block, you can view such unit properties as custom fields, sensors, hardware, counters, parameters ("raw" data from the equipment), drivers, trailers, altitude and number of satellites.
You cannot edit unit properties in the application. After a long tap on the line with the property, its value is copied to the clipboard.


The application uses the data obtained as a result of real-time processing of messages.

The History tab displays a list which contains data on trips, parkings, fuel fillings and theft. 
The data on the tab is presented in chronological order and is formed on the basis of the messages received in the last 24 hours. The data is not formed on the basis of the messages generated more than 24 hours ago (after they are unloaded from the black box).

By default, the data is displayed for the current day. You can get the data for another day in one of the ways described below.
  1. Select the required day in the calendar
  2. Swipe down or up to add the previous or next day to the list. If necessary, repeat the action to add more days. 
For each day, the summary of the trip duration, track length, and the total parking time is shown above the list. 

Below is the information displayed for each type of data:

  1. the start time of the trip
  2. duration ()
  3. track length ()
  4. maximum unit speed ()
  5. speeding (: the unit has exceeded the speed limit, : speed limit indicated on the Advanced tab of the unit properties in the Trackd platform)
  6. fuel consumed during the trip (): its amount () and average consumption per 100km (). 
  1. the start time of the parking
  2. duration ()
  3. parking time with ignition on 
  4. location
  1. sensor name
  2. the time of turning the ignition on
  3. the time that has passed since the ignition was turned on ()
 Fuel Filling:
  1. the time of the fuel filling (time of the greatest difference in fuel level)
  2. the mount of filled fuel ()
  3. location
To see the track of the trip, the place of speeding, parking, fuel filling or theft on the map, tap the corresponding line in the list.

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