Pump Planning

Pump Planning

    • Related Articles

    • Planning

      This page is designed for planning routes. You can use warehouses and orders as route points. To create or import orders, expand the Planning item in the navigation bar and select the required section (New order or Import orders). After that, you can ...
    • Routes

      This page shows the routes created on the Planning page. The toolbar above the table contains a filter for selecting routes depending on their state: active planned fulfilled Be default, active routes are selected in the filter. Once created, a route ...
    • Pump Operation

    • Orders

      Working with orders is the main function of the application. The orders contain information about the goods to be delivered, the client's contact information, delivery time and so on. During planning, routes are built from the orders. There are two ...
    • Templates

      This page displays templates for creating routes. You can use them if you should create similar routes regularly. A template stores information about the route points and the assigned unit. The Templates page consists of the following components: ...