Query and View Reports

Executing and Viewing Reports

Executing and Viewing Reports

To generate a report, set its parameters (template, object, time interval) and click Execute. The report runs in the background. Once executed, the message at the bottom of the screen appears and the icon in the Reports tab starts to flash.

  1. Template - select the required report template from the drop-down list
  1. Object - select the system object that you want to execute the report on. Depending on the report type specified in the template, you can select a unit, unit group, user, driver, groups of drivers etc.
  1. Interval - the report execution interval can be specified in two ways: manually or with the help of one of the available pre-set intervals. Use buttons Today, Yesterday, Week, Month to select pre-set interval. If you press one of those four quick buttons the report launches immediately (there is no need to click Execute). 
  1. To select the interval manually, there are several options (the drop-down list to the right of the interval field):
    1. Specified Interval: for such an interval you can specify the date and time of the beginning and the end
    2. Starts "From" until today: Specify the exact start time. The current time will be automatically set as the end of the interval
    3. For previous: the number and the time interval (minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years) for such an interval are indicated below. To select a numerical value for the interval, use the 
      arrow keys or the mouse. Valid values are from 1 - 99. Press and hold the arrows to rewind at an increased speed. When the Include current option is activated, the report is executed not            or the last full period, but for the current one. 
There are alternative ways to receive reports in the monitoring systems:
  1. receive reports by email at the specified time (adjusted through jobs)
  2. receive a report when an event occurs (adjusted through notifications)
  3. quick report generation from the monitoring panel

Online Reports

If there is required data for the specified report interval, the Report result section is shown below the Report templates section after you click Execute.

The Report result section shows the list of the report contents: statistics, tables, and charts. To open the necessary component, select it in the list. The first component from the list is open by default. The name of the selected statistics, chart or table has a darker background.

You can open two report components at the same time. To do this, click on the icon  in the row of a table, chart or statistics and select one of the options:

  • Show at the top, to display the selected component instead of the map.
  • Show at the bottom, to display the selected component in the lower part of the screen. The component displayed there previously is moved to the part occupied by the map.

Depending on the selected option, the icon changes to   or , respectively. Click on it again to interchange the positions of the open windows. To close a table, chart or statistics, click on the icon  in the upper-right corner of the window.

Print Report

After running the report, you can print it out without exporting it to a file. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the icon  in the toolbar above the executed report.
  2. In the left part of the window, select the tables, charts and other report sections you want to print out. To select all the sections, click Select all. The report contents are displayed in the right part.
  3. Click Print.

Export to File

You can save the executed reports as HTML, PDF, Excel, XML and CSV files. The export of charts is available only in the PDF and PNG formats.

To export a report, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the icon in the toolbar of the executed report.
  2. If necessary, change the file name generated automatically.
  3. Select the file format in which you want to save the report. If you select several formats, you get the same report in several files of the specified formats. For PDF and CSV, additional settings are available (see File formats)
  4. Specify the required parameters.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Depending on your browser settings, open the file or save it to the disk.

    You can also configure automatic report sending by means of jobs and notifications.

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