Report Templates

Report Templates

Report Templates

You can generate a report only on the basis of a previously created template. The list of all available templates is displayed in the lower-left part of the window on the Reports tab. Here you can create, edit, copy, and delete report templates.

The template contains information about which tables and charts will be included in the report, what kind of content will be presented in the tables, the order of the columns in tables and sections in the report, which graphical elements will be rendered on the map, and many other parameters which define the look of the resulting report.

When you point to a report template, the following information is available:

  • report template name;
  • resource to which it belongs (if you have access to more than one)
  • report template type;
  • list of tables and charts that it contains;
  • list of bound objects.

When you click on a report template, it is selected in the Template field automatically.

The templates in the list are arranged in alphabetical order. You can use the dynamic filter above the list. In the drop-down list to the left of the search, you can select a resource.

The following actions are available:

  •  or : edit or view a report template (depends on your access rights);
  • : create a new template based on the selected one;
  • : delete a template (if you do not have enough access rights, the icon is dimmed).
If a template belongs to the resource to which you do not have the Create, edit, and delete report templates access right, you cannot edit or delete this template.

Creating a Report Template

To create a new report template, press the New button. If you have access to more than one resource, select the required one and click Next.

In the report template, specify its name and select the type.

The available types are described below.
Type                         Description
Unit                                           The template is used to analyse the data from any single unit.
Unit groupThe template is used to analyse the data from several units simultaneously.
UserThe template is used to analyse the activity of users.
DriverThe template is used to analyse the work of drivers.
TrailerThe template is used to analyse the use of trailers.
ResourceThe template is used to track the changes in the contents of the resource.
RetranslatorThe template is used to analyse the work of retranslators.
RouteThe template is used to analyse the passing of routes.
Group of driversThe template is used to analyse the work of several drivers at the same time.
Group of trailersThe template is used to analyse the operation of several trailers simultaneously.
PassengersThe template is used to analyse passenger traffic.
Group of passengersThe template is used to analyse the traffic of the groups of passengers.
GeofenceThe template is used to analyse which units have visited a geofence.
Group of geofencesThe template is used to analyse which units have visited a group of geofences.

It is not recommended to change the report type later, because when you change the type, all the contents and settings of the template are lost.

Below are the Report ContentsSettings and Bind tabs, on each of which the properties of the future report template are configured.

A list of the content added to the report template is shown below. To rename a component, click on it with the left mouse button and make the necessary changes. When working with the content list, the following actions are available:

  • : drag the component up/down;
  • : edit the properties of the table/chart;
  • : copy the table/chart;
  • : delete the component.

After executing the report, the result section first shows statistics (if added to the template), and then tables and charts in the order specified in the template.

Report Contents

On the contents tab, you can add tables, charts or statistics to the report template.

To add the required component, click on one of the three available buttons: New table, New chart, Statistics

To add a table to the report template, click on the New Table button on the Contents tab of its properties. 
In the New table dialog, specify the name and type.

Columns Section
The set of available table types differs depending on the selected type of the report template. The list of tables and their description are outlined below. 
Each type of the table has its own set of columns which can be included in it. The list of available ones is shown on the Columns tab after selecting the table type. Select the ones you want visible in the report. 
The columns can be changed as well. To to this, drag the double arrow iconlocated to the left of the name of the desired column, up or down. 

The calculator is available in all the tables (except for images, video and statistics). It allows to add custom columns to them. To the left of the column names, indices in the C0, C1, C2...CN format are indicated. 

Table Settings
For each table, in addition to selecting columns, there are additional settings, located in the Settings tab. 
The tab is divided into three sections:
  1. Parameters - configure grouping and sorting
  2. Settings - configure detailization, row numbering, total, time limitation as well as incomplete interval and duration format. 
  3. Intervals filtration

Report Settings

On the Settings tab of the report template creation dialog, the following sections may be present depending on the type of template. 
  1. Description - you can type a text which is displayed in the tooltip when pointing to the name of the report template. The text should not contain more than 10,000 characters
  2. General - the format of the date and time, the measurement systems 
  3. Map Output - elements can be drawn on the map as part of a report. They can be selected in this section. These can be tracks travelled by unit, goefences, as well as special markers in the form of small icons which can be put in the places of events, fillings, speedings etc
  4. Address - specify the format for displaying the address information. To do this select which elements of the address should be displayed
  5. Shifts - if this option is enabled, the information on the report is structured according to the shifts you specify


Depending on its type, a report template can be bound to units, drivers, trailers and passengers and their groups. Binding allows you to restrict the list of items for which the report is run. 

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