Sent Commands

Sent Commands

Sent Commands

When you request this type of messages, you can see a table with the commands that have been sent to the unit. 

The table can contain the following columns:




The date and time of sending the command from the server.


The name of the user who has sent the command. If you don't have the View object and its basic properties access right to this user, a dash is displayed instead of the name.

Command name

The name specified when creating the command.

Command type

The type selected when creating the command.


The command parameters specified when creating or sending the command (if applicable). You can filter the commands by these parameters.

Execution time

The date and time of executing the command. If the command couldn't be executed due to the billing plan limitations, a dash is displayed. This may happen, for example, if the SMS channel is used for sending the command when the limit of available SMS messages has already been reached.


The data transmission method used to send the command: TCP, UDP, Virtual SMS.

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