Service Object Properties

Service Object Properties

Service Object Properties

Click on the row with the service object to view its detailed information.

The data is presented on the following tabs:
  1. Unit/Driver/Trailer info;
  2. Services;
  3. Assigned intervals;
  4. Unit profile.

In the upper right corner, there is the Create service button which allows you to create a service. In the same corner of the unit properties, there is also the Create fuel filling button, a click on which opens the dialog box of creating a fuel filling. 

Unit/Driver/Trailer info

The Unit info tab is divided into two sections. 

The upper section displays the main indicators of the unit. 
  1. Total Mileage - the mileage of the unit in accordance with the mileage counter in Trackd
  2. Actual Mileage - the mileage of the unit calculated since it was added to Fleetrun. If you added the mileage values of the unit from Trackd with the help of the Pull the values of mileage and engine hours button, they are also included in the actual mileage. 
  3. Total Engine Hours - the number of egine hours from the start of their counting to the present time
  4. Actual Engine Hours - the engine hours of the unit since it was added to Fleetrun. If there are values pulled from Trackd, the value of actual engine hours displays the total number of engine hours of the unit in Fleetrun and Trackd. You can pull from Trackd only those values of engine hours which had been obtained before the time of adding the unit to Fleetrun.
  5. Total Cost - the total cost of all the services and fuel of the unit. The value is calculated by adding the total cost of the services and the total cost of the fuel. 
  6. Totat Cost of Services - the total cost of all the services of the unit.
  7. Total Cost of Fuel - the total cost of fuel from the unit fuel fillings. 
  8. Cost per 1km - the average cost of all the services of the unit per 1 kilometer or mile. To calaculate the average cost, the total cost of the unit services is divided by actual mileage.
  9. Cost per 1eh - the average cost of all the services of the unit per 1 engine hour. To calculate the average cost, the total cost of the unit services is divided by actual engine hours. 
  10. Cost per 1L - the average cost of fuel per 1 litre. To calculate it, the total cost of fuel is divided by the total number of litres indicated in the fuel fillings of the unit.
When you point the mileage to the value of actual mileage and actual engine hours, a tooltip appears with the date from the time of adding the unit to Fleetrun. If there are values of mileage and engine hours pulled from Trackd, the date when these values were pulled from Trackd is displayed. 

The current location is also displayed on the map. The map can be scaled, moved and opened in full screen mode . When you hover over the icon  the menu appears. In this menu you can select the map layer. The  allows to center the map on the unit. Click on the marker on the map to open a tooltip with the information about the address, speed and time of the most recent message. 

In the lower section of the Unit info tab, there are two charts:
  1. Total Cost of Services - a chart containing information about the service expenses of the unit for the specified period. Apart from the total cost of services, you can see their average cost per kilometer and engine hours.
  2. Unit metrics - a chart containing information about the mileage and engine hours of the unit for the specified period. 
  3. Total Cost of Fuel - a chart containing information about the fuel expenses of the unit for the specified period. Apart from the total cost of fuel, you can see its average cost per litre. 
The time interval for which the data should be displayed in the charts is selected in the calendar located in the upper left corner of the section. The interval can be indicated manually. To do it, mark the start and finish dates in the calendar or select one of the preset intervals (3 months, 6 months, 12 months). To receive the information for one day, double-click the required date in the calendar.

The values of mileage and engine hours used in the charts are obtained from the tracker, while the indicators in the upper section are calculated based on the values specified in Trackd. Thus, if the data in Trackd is changed significantly, you can see a discrepancy between the indicators in the charts and in the upper section. If the values in Trackd were decreased within the period for which the charts are generated., the units metrics chart contains a warning the tooltip of which shows when the values were changed in Trackd. 

The Driver/Trailer info tab shows the name, type and description. Description is editable.

Fuel Fillings

This Tab is displayed only for units. It displays a list of fuel fillings carried out for a unit in the form of a table. 

The button  in the upper-right corner of the tab allows you to export the table to a CSV file. 

Click on a row with a fuel filling to go to its settings on the Fuel fillings page. 


This tab displays the information about all the services of the service object (upcoming, in progress, and completed).

Depending on the position of the switch in the upper part of the tab, the table displays the upcoming, archived (completed) and services or the ones in progress. 

The button  in the upper-right corner of the tab allows you to export the table to a CSV file. 

Click on the row with the service to go to its settings in the Services page.

Assigned Intervals

Here you can select a service interval from the list of the available ones and assign it to the service object. Once the interval is assigned, its service is created automatically.

There are two lists on the Assigned intervals tab: the left one displays the intervals assigned to the service object, the right one — all the intervals created for the fleet.

To assign an interval to a service object, check the required interval and click on the left pointing arrow. To quickly find an interval, use the dynamic filter above.

If you want to check all the intervals, click Select all. Click Unselect to remove the selection, or clear the required boxes.

You can unassign intervals in the same manner.

For each assigned interval, the following information is presented: its name, frequency of completion, and the data on the next service. Depending on the interval settings, the data may include mileage, engine hours, and/or date. If the service is overdue, it is coloured in red.

The timing of the next service is calculated according to the formula:
Next service = (Starting point + Frequency) - Current mileage/engine hours/date.
By default, the actual data at the moment of assigning is used for the Starting point value. To specify this data manually, click on the icon , that appears at the end of the line with the interval when you hover the mouse over it. In the window that opens, indicate mileage, engine hours and/or date at the time of the latest service interval and click Save.

The data on the next services can be exported to a CSV file. To do this, click the button  located above the list of intervals assigned to the service object.

Unit Profile

Here you can select the vehicle type, see its mileage and add a description (the maximum length is 512 characters).

The following types are available:
  1. Lorry
  2. Microbus
  3. Van
  4. Pickup
  5. Tractor
  6. Tipper
  7. Heavy truck
  8. Manipulator
  9. Bus
  10. Car
  11. Motorbike
  12. Stationary
  13. Refrigerator
  14. Specialised vehicle
  15. Other

The icon  indicates that the type of unit is not selected.

By default, the Mileage from the start of operation field displays the mileage value of the unit in kilometers from the moment of adding it to Fleetrun. If there is mileage value pulled from Trackd, the field displays the sum of the mileage pulled from Trackd and the mileage from Fleetrun. You can also specify a mileage value on your own. To do this, indicate the value in the field and click Save. 

To see the inital mileage value of the unit, click on the button . If there is no mileage value of the unit pulled from Trackd, the mileage value from the moment of adding it to Fleetrun is displayed after clicking the button. If there is a mileage value pulled from Trackd, the pulled value is displayed after clicking the button. 

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