Services Editing

Services Editing

Services Editing

There are two ways to edit services:
  1. quick data and/or status change;
  2. properties editing.

Quick data and/or status change

When you pause on the line with the service name, the iconappears. Click on the icon to open the menu which gives quick access to editing. For the upcoming services, you can change the data and status, for the services In progress — only the status.

Properties Editing
To edit the properties of a service, click on the line with its name. Changes can be made for all fields except Service object type, Service object, and Interval.

Special aspects of editing
  1. Editing the date of the service has its own peculiarities:
    1. for the upcoming service, it is possible to change the date of its beginning to the current or future one;
    2. for the in progress service, it is not possible to edit the date;
    3. for the archived service service, it is possible to change only the end date within a specified period.
  2. When changing the status of the service object, the following options are possible:
    1. the Due status can be changed to In progress, Closed. In addition to changing the status, the service can be rejected (the Reject button in the upper right corner of the page);
    2. the In progress status can be changed to Closed. Besides changing the status, the service can be rejected (the Reject button in the upper right corner of the page);
    3. the status of the archived service cannot be changed. You can only delete the service (the button  in the upper right corner of the editing window or the icon that appears when you hover over the line with the service on the Services tab).
  3. When changing the Service mileage and Service engine hours fields, you can enter the values manually or use the buttons for auto-completion (for the Closed status). When auto-completion is used, the value of mileage (engine hours) from the unit's first message for the selected interval is used as the initial value, and the value from the last message is used as the final one.

You can attach new files to the service or delete existing ones.
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