Ticket Manager

Ticket Manager

    • Related Articles

    • Log

      The log is located in the lower-right part of the page. It shows messages about the actions of the user-manager with their date and time. The records of creating an object, changing its properties, deleting it successfully, etc. are displayed in ...
    • List of Services

      Below is the full list of services available in the Trackd system. If you have added an application in CMS Manager using the Apps configuration item, the list displays a service named in the format Apps: Application name. For example, Apps: Fleetrun. ...
    • Creating Resources

      Resources can be created only in the CMS Manager management system in one of two ways: automatically when creating a new account; manually using the Create resource button. The second way is designed for creating additional resources without new ...
    • Restoring Resource Contents

      To restore the resource contents, you should have the following access rights to it: Delete object; Upload and delete files; Create, edit, and delete geofences; Create, edit, and delete drivers; Create, edit, and delete trailers; Create, edit, and ...
    • Unit Properties

      Unit Properties The window of unit properties is shown when creating, editing, and copying a unit. In this window, you can specify different unit properties, configure access to the unit, create sensors, and so on. Depending on your access rights to ...