Top Panel

Top Panel

Top Panel

In the upper panel on the left there is our logo, and on the right, there is the menu setting button and the username under which the user logs on.

The main menu of the program occupies the central part of the top panel. It contains different elements depending on the settings applied and also on the modules provided.

Main Menu
Depending on the services activated for your account or billing plan, the main menu can contain different tabs for working with the system, and an icon for going to the applications.

Customizing the main menu

To select the elements which should be shown in the main menu, click on the icon and select the required ones. To hide the unnecessary items, clear their selection.

After selecting the elements, the main menu shows the tabs of the same names:

IconTab nameDescription

DashboardSummary information ab​out the units from the Monitoring tab work list.

MonitoringTracking the location and the state of the units.

Tracks Getting tracks of the unit movement.

Messages Viewing the messages received from the unit.

Reports Running reports on various parameters of the units, drivers, trailers, etc.

Geofences Creating geographical zones and working with them.

Routes Creating routes and tracking rides along these routes.

Drivers Creating drivers and working with them, including assigning them to the units.

Trailers Creating trailers and working with them, including assigning them to the units.

Passengers Creating passengers and working with them, including assigning them to the units.

Jobs Creating and working with jobs which should be carried out according to the specified schedule.

Notifications Creating notifications for tracking the units and their parameters.

Users Managing other users.

UnitsCreating, editing and deleting units.
If you select the Apps item, the main menu also displays the icon . It allows you to access the available applications.

User Menu

In the right corner of the top panel, the users's login is displayed, under which the authorisation has been made.

When clicking on the user name, an additional menu appears. It contains the following options:
  1. User Settings - opens the user settings dialog for viewing and/or editing
  2. Session Management - allow you to see the list of authorized applications and mobile notifications.
  3. Locator - opens the locator's dialog
  4. Import/Export - enables to transfer the settings of units, users, resources' contents
  5. Support - technical support request
  6. Logout - click here to log out of the system (session terminated)

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