

    • Related Articles

    • Vehicle Monitoring

      Click on Live View, and select Vehicle Monitoring and a popup window will appear which will display all camera units under your account: If you hover your curser over a unit, three icons appear to the right of the unit as seen below: Key Targeting; ...
    • Intervals

      Intervals Interval is a type of work related to vehicle maintenance or validity control of driver's permits and documents. Here you can create and edit service intervals, as well as assign units, trailers, or drivers to them. If a unit, trailer, or ...
    • Fleetrun Overview

      Fleetrun The Fleetrun application is designed to manage the process of vehicle maintenance and control the validity period of drivers' documents and permits. The application can be used by managers and administrators of fleets, drivers and vehicle ...
    • Line Items Library

      Line Items Library Line items library is the register with the information about the costs of vehicle maintenance. There are two tabs available: Parts and labour and Fuel. When adding Parts and labour you can later use them while creating intervals ...
    • Import from WLP

      This function allows you to copy unit properties, resource contents, or user settings from a WLP file to an object of the corresponding type: a unit, a resource, or a user. To use this function, you should save a WLP file in advance. Three import ...