Work List Management

Work List Management

Work List Management

To monitor units, you need to place them in the work list. Only units presented in the work list can be used to display on the map, as well as to apply various control elements: jobs and notifications execution, reports generating, drivers and trailers assigning, messages or tracks viewing, finding nearest units, etc.

The work list has two display modes:

  • unit list;
  • unit group list.

Each of these lists is independent, and their settings are stored separately. When you switch between them, all settings that were last applied to this type of list are restored.

To search for the required units in the list, use the dynamic search above it. The search is carried out by unit name, group name, unique ID, device type, phone number, and such profile properties of the unit as VIN, vehicle type, registration plate, brand, model, year, and color.

Unit List

In addition to the search described above, you can perform the following actions in this mode:

  • add units to the work list and delete them from it;
  • sort units by various parameters.

Adding Units to the Work List

To add units to the work list, use the following buttons in the header of a list:
  • : add all units available;
  • : add particular unit(s). The search tool is used.

Removing units from the work list

Units can be removed from the work list individually or all at once:
  • : the button next to each unit to remove this particular unit from the list;
  • : the button in the header of the list to clear the work list (to remove all units).

Note that deleting units from the work list does not lead to their deleting from the system. They can be added back to the work list using the ways described above. Units can be deleted from the system on the Units tab.


By default, the work list is sorted by names arranged in direct alphabetical order. The order can be reversed. To do this, use the switch button  or  in the header.

Besides, it is possible to sort units by other attributes such as motion state, connection quality, etc. To do this, use the buttons in the header:

  • : sensor state;
  • : commands;
  • : motion state;
  • : last message time;
  • : online connection state;
  • : media files;
  • : quick track;
  • : driver information;
  • : trailer information.

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